The Energy Drink designed for UFO pilots & those that live a similar demanding lifestyle envisioned by GOBLINKO & presented for you,
Served in the cafeteria at Dulce Base* - New Mexico
* Starting in 1979, Bennewitz became convinced he was intercepting electronic communications from alien spacecraft & installations outside of Albuquerque. By the 1980s he believed he had discovered a secret underground base near Dulce populated by grey aliens & humans. The story spread rapidly within the UFO community & by 1987, UFOlogist John Lear claimed he had independent confirmations of the base's existence.
Created with a formula derived from the Talmud Jmmanuel*. UFO Milk energy drink preserves your organs for inter-dimensional travel.
* Jerusalem, 1963 - A Greek Catholic priest, Isa Rashid, discovers a small cave in the slope of a nearby hill. His Swiss friend, "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, removes the rubble partially obscuring the entryway, crawls inside, and exhumes a set of ancient scrolls wrapped in animal skin and encased in a dry, crumbly resin. Upon their examination, faded yet fully legible pages of Aramaic text reveal a 2,000-year-old biographical narrative of a man named Jmmanuel who devoted his life to teaching about the true nature of the universe, the immortality of the human spirit through reincarnation, and a way of life that is liberating and free from the illogical constraints of human greed and lust for power.