We raised our kids to read using lots of comics & lots of regular books. People love to read in general as it opens up this endless world in your brain that can only be accessed with the written word. Comics opens up more by combining words & pictures! The brain just goes crazy for this stuff! I got an email from Thaddeus Moore about how he raised his sons on comics & how his oldest is 9 & a voracious & skilled reader because of it, testing in the 90th percentile for 9 year olds nationally. Because of this testimonial Katie recommended I write up some further notes on recommended comics for kids, so here's a list!
Astro Boy by Osamu Tezuka
Tin Tin by Herge
Smurfs by Peyo
Asterix by Goscinny & Uderzo
Uncle Scrooge by Carl Barks
Cartoon History of the Universe by Larry Gonick
Popeye by Segar
Nancy Ernie Bushmiller
Moonintroll Comics by Tove & Lars Jannson
MAD magazine
early Batman
early Spiderman
Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind by Hayao Miyazaki
Battle Angel Alita by Yukito Kishiro
Maus by Art Spiegelman
Usagi Yojimbo by Stan Sakai
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (original) by Eastman & Laird
This list is obviously incomplete & just a starter, i'll make a list for teens too, but comic literavy is a thing & the form makes more sense the more you know! But ultimately you should take away from this the idea that reading comics can increase the desire to read exponentially & this is good for the brain, especially in this screen dominated moment!
Posted on March 19 2024