I was born & raised in Oakland, California into a bohemian family. In 1988 at age 12 I discovered zines, the Church of the Subgenius & Punk all at the same time which gave my world of Garbage Pail Kids, Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, Dr. Demento & MAD Magazine direction & drive. I have viewed my visual art as part of a series of cultural systems & try to incorporate all levels of culture with my work. In 2000, I married fellow East Bay artist Katie Krause (now Aaberg), & we started GOBLINKO after my Punk name “Goblin” as an umbrella for our projects. In 2011 I decided to give big zines a go again & PORK Magazine was born. PORK covered Rock&Roll, Weirdo Art & Bad Ideas, going for an inclusive, big-tent approach instead of targeting little niche groups. PORK influenced a couple generations of lowbrow artists & entrepreneurs who copied the GOBLINKO business model. As the internet & smart phones in particular changed the way people consume media, I decided that making games would better fit where me & my audience were at. DUNGEON DEGENERATES was released in 2017. In September, 2018 I suffered a severe stroke & am now recovering. I live in Portland, Oregon with my wife Katie & our three kids.